patient should be made comfortable, either lying down or sitting in a chair with wide arms rests. conversation and patient movement during recording should be avoided. The recording should be made in quit and secluded place for privacy of the patient and making the patient relaxed. it should be explained to the patient that the procedure is painless and harmless. 

                      The recording near any electrical fixtures and their power cables should be avoided, because the instrument are so sensitive that the power interference from these sources, can be easily picked up by the machine. 

         Electrodes placement can significantly affect the recording hence site selection for applying the electrodes should be carefully selected. The limb electrodes and the chest electrodes sites have been clearly defined earlier and should always be very closely adhered to. The electrodes should be placed after applying the ELECTRODE GEL at the sites defined. 

      When the electrodes have been secured in their respective positions, the patient cable should be connected to the electrodes and the instrument in such a way that there is no tension applied to any of the electrodes. The ends of the patient Cable are color coded at both ends for easy identification. 

        As explained earlier the E.C.G machine paper speed is normally set at 22mm/sec. With the paper running any adjustment require to ensures the sensitivity of 10 mm deflection to 1 mv. should be ensured at this stage.

     With the paper running, the lead selector can then be stepped through the required sequence of leads, recording about six E.C.G. complexes for each lead. As previously  mentioned automatic instruments in use these days will step through the sequence in a predefined manner. 

                                                     E.C.G. WAVE FORMS 

    The deflection or waves of electrocardiogram is the result of excitation (depolarisation) and resting (repolarising) status of the myocrdium. These deflection or waves are desiqnated conventionally by the letter PQRST as shown in. The QRS with ventricular exaction (depolararisation)  and the T wave with venticular recovery (repolarisation). The Q wave is an intial downward deflection is the QRS complex

     The students of this course need not to know more detail about the normal and abnormal E.C.G recordings. 


                            5.8 ARTIFATCTS IN C.C.G. RECORDING 

     While recording E.C.G. one may problems in producing a neat and clean tracing. Some of the common artifacts are mentioned below:

    (1) CALIBERATION MALFUNCTION: The caliberation malfunction is due to low stylish pressure or in correct damping adjustment. These faults 
have to be corrected by a qualified engineer.