D. INTRAVENEOUS INJECTION;    Intravenous injection are given by " VENE PUNTURE".

              The syringe and needle to be used must be sterile, it is preferable to use a disposable syringe and                needle.

A piece of rubber tubing is used as a tourniquet and applied round the upper arm over the middle of Biceps muscle, so as to impede the venous blood flow but not the arterial flow. Skin at the bend of the elbow is cleaned with a cotton swab soaked in sprit or 70% Alcohol The skin is rendered tense by the operator left hand, a prominent vein (either the Median cubital vein or the Basilic vein is usually convenient) is selected. The syringe with needle attached to it and containing the medicine to be injected is held in the operator right hand almost parallel with the patient arm; the patient is asked to make fist and then the needle with the bevel upwards is inserted into the prominent vein the needle being pointed in the direction of the blood flow. When blood enters the syringe it indicates that the needle is inside vein the tourniquet is then released and the medicine is slowly pushed in the vein by pressing upon the piston of the syringe with the thumb. When the medicine has been injected the cotton swab, soaked in spirit or 70%. Alcohol, is placed over the needle, the needle is withdraw and point prick is kept pressed with hte swab to prevent oozing of blood.


                                INTRA VENOUS DRIP ADMINISTRATION 

     In case intravenous drip has to be given, a 10 INTRAVENEOUS INJECTION cc syringe with needle attached is filled with Normal saline or water for injection. Venepunture is done with this syringe and needle is pushed further inside the vein, the tourniquet is removed the saline is injected to ensure that it flows convinientty into the vein. The syringe is then detached from the needle. This process has to be done quickly because blood starts flowing out from the needle as soon as the syringe is detached from the needle.

     In certain patient the drip has to be continued for several days, In such cases a INTRACATH is used instead of ordinary needles. INTACATH is descnibed blow.

                     INTRACATH;    It is a modified from of needle used for I.V administration of drugs INTRACATH is used for intra Venous cannulisation in place or ordinary needles in cases Where the medication is for a prolonged period, because INTRCATH can be kept upto 72 hours 



              It has got a non-metallic malleable tubular sheath with a bevelled end and a metallic trocar with sharp end inside the tubular sheath, so that trocar can puncture the skin and vein. The vein is punctured with the intracath in the same manner as in venepuncture. After the vein is punctured the metallic torcar is pulled out and the sheath is pushed inside the vein. intracath has two wings on both sides so that it can be fixed in place easily. Besides, the opening at it top end, intracath has other ports also through which drugs may be pushed in the vein while the top is connected to the drip.

                The colour of cannula denotes it size as follow:

                                                      Brown = 14G

                                                      Grey = 16G


                                                       Pink = 20G

                                                        Blue = 22G

    Advantages of intracath; 

* lt can be kept in place for upto 72 hours which is not advisable for metallic needles.

*Because of its malleable character chances of counter puncture are much less.

* It can be inserted around joints also without restricting the movement at the joint.

* Wings of the intracath give good grip during Ccannulisation and they are used for fixation of the intracath.

* If has got additionat ports for medication and other.I.fluids so that more than one fluid can be infused at a time.

     6.5. The thickness of needles and intracath is measured in Guage (mentioned as G). Guage is numbered in such a manner that the higher the thicker the needle. 

   The lumen of the needle is the hollow in the centre of the of the needle through which the injection solution flows.


* The name of the medicine printed on the strip, bottle, ampoule or vial must be compared with that in the doctor's prescription and ensured that they are the same, before administration of a medicine. 

* They expiry date printed on the medicine container must be seen and ensured that the date has not expired. 

* The strength or concentrations of the medicine must be the same as given in the prescription. 

* The colour of the injectable flud must be checked for any alteration in the colour. 

* In case of transfusion fluid it must be done before giving injections. This is done by injecting a drop of the medicine trasdermally and then wait for sometimes . If a red wheal appears, it denotes that the patient is sensitive to the drugs. In such case the injection should not be given and the matter should be reported to the doctor who has presecribed the medicine.

* in case of intramuscular injection, it must ensured that the tip of the needle is not inside a blood vessel before the drug is pushed. This is done by pulling out the piston of the syringe slightly , if blood enters the syringe it means that the tip of the needle must be withdrawn slightly and then pushed further deep.

*In case of intravenous injection it must be ensured that there is no double punchure. This is by pulling the piston of the syringe when there should be free flow of blood inside the syringe.